
Premiati da Scenari Immobiliari e Dea Capital!

Awarded by Scenari Immobiliari and Dea Capital!

One month after its establishment, we are very happy to thank Scenari Immobiliari and DeA Capital Real Estate SGR for giving us the award for New vision for the future...

Awarded by Scenari Immobiliari and Dea Capital!

One month after its establishment, we are very happy to thank Scenari Immobiliari and DeA Capital Real Estate SGR for giving us the award for New vision for the future...

OVR, il token di OVER the Reality

OVR, the OVER the Reality token

For its OVR token, OVER started using Ethereum, at a time when alternatives were not very practical because most users and developers were on this chain. The increase in traffic,...

OVR, the OVER the Reality token

For its OVR token, OVER started using Ethereum, at a time when alternatives were not very practical because most users and developers were on this chain. The increase in traffic,...

Perchè abbiamo scelto OVER?

Why did we choose OVER?

  We chose OVER the Reality (OVR) as a metaverse for the Business world for three main reasons: the innovative vision in combining VR and AR and embracing the philosophies...

Why did we choose OVER?

  We chose OVER the Reality (OVR) as a metaverse for the Business world for three main reasons: the innovative vision in combining VR and AR and embracing the philosophies...

Il Metaverso per noi è…

The Metaverse for us is ...

The METAVERSE for us it's a platform Of user experience, integrated and enabling the technologies of WEB3, whose purpose it is the realization Of a better world. For the video of our experiences follow...

The Metaverse for us is ...

The METAVERSE for us it's a platform Of user experience, integrated and enabling the technologies of WEB3, whose purpose it is the realization Of a better world. For the video of our experiences follow...