Il marchio "The Metagate" nel web2 ma anche web3 - Metagate

The brand"the metagate"in web2 but also web3

With yesterday, the 3-month period has finally ended on EUIPO in which we could have faced possible objections for the registration of our textual and figurative trademark: "The Metagate"!!

A quick consideration: on EUIPO the online procedure for trademark registration is really simple, guided, and clear. In Italy, we still have a lot of spaghetti to eat regarding citizen services..

They were still 3 somewhat anxious months as statistically one in five registrations fails (also losing the registration costs).

Fortunately, we have reached the end by putting another piece in its place; protecting our intellectual property on one hand, but also setting a time milestone to be able to say one day "In the metaverse since 2022"!

Aside from jokes, there is a lot to reflect on since this is precisely one of those services that web3 is destined to replace.

But let's make some very practical considerations, because to protect our intellectual property we have implemented several measures both web2 and web3, and below we will try to summarize and briefly comment on them.

WEB2 side abbiamo:

  • founded the company Metagate Srl
  • purchased the domain and .xyz
  • registered the trademark themetagate
  • opened various accounts on social 2.0

WEB3 Side instead we have:

  • purchased the ENS domain (NFT): themetagate.eth
  • purchased the domains on Unstoppable domains (NFTs): themetagate.crypto .nft .blockchain .wallet
  • purchased the geolocated Land NFT at our location in the metaverse of OVER la Realtà
  • minted one collection of 9 NFTs what do you tell us
  • minted a POAP to celebrate the launch of the project
  • opened various accounts on social 3.0

Doing a quick rough estimate, in practice we spent at least €4,000 in web2 while for web3 we spent about €110.


  • The purchased NFTs can also serve as a Hub for access to a range of services similar to a combination of a current account and Spid, and can be linked to an interoperable Avatar across different metaverses.
  • The NFTs are already valid worldwide and not just in Europe or Italy
  • The land on OVER hosts our headquarters in augmented reality where we can welcome visitors and clients and showcase our use cases
  • Our NFTs and POAPs already grant discounts, exclusive merchandise, access to private lands in the metaverse, and access to our dedicated Discord channels for business and developers.

Maybe nothing...


Marchio Metagate EUIPO



For the video of our experiences follow us on Instagram and Twitter

You can find our references on the Linktree, mentre su Welook our POAP NFTs.

By Marco Pizzini (with the kind collaboration of OpenAI chat)


 If you want to support us:

1. acquista uno dei nostri dispositivi indossabili QUI on Over the Reality
2. diventa nostro sponsor compilando il FORM or Contact us
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