Evento per Sport in Darsena - "A cosa serve il Metaverso?" - Metagate

Event for Sport in Darsena -"What is the Metaverse for?"

What is the purpose of the metaverso“I believe this is the question I rightly hear most often.”

Usually, the response given here that often catches the interlocutor off guard (less and less) is: "which metaverse?"
The question then evolves: “What do I need the metaverse for?”. Here it becomes more difficult to provide answers because it depends on the time horizon of the person. Before answering, one should understand with the interlocutor whether their vision is related to the revenue discussion of the current year or if there is an intention to position themselves for the long term. In financial language, we need to understand whether we should apply trading or investment strategies. We need to be clear about this in advance because the answers can be very different.

At Metagate, we tailor the response to the customer's needs because there is no one-size-fits-all answer. There wasn't one for books, for websites, and even more so, there isn't one for the Metaverse. The key is to identify the customer's need or aspiration (there isn't a real need today, but one can aspire to position themselves for the needs of tomorrow) and propose a solution that is customized. Each metaverse has its strengths that may be more or less useful in the situation at hand.


Today we try to respond with a case study related to a project carried out in collaboration with SUP Mindfulness, JBAY.ZONE and Sport in Darsena.
The occasion was linked to the open day of the association for the promotion of sports in Darsena in Milan, and in particular, two entities related to SUP (stand-up paddle boards) were involved. In this case, an effort was made to pursue two objectives: one short-term and one more long-term.

In the short term, in fact, the promotion of the event was a priority, and since the event was in person, it was necessary to focus on an experience that would attract people on-site. To this end, we adopted the metaverse of OVER the Reality that using geolocated Augmented Reality allowed us to create on-site experiences to share on social media as teasers, focusing on the WOW effect.

We have therefore created 2 experiences:

1. In the first one we created a digital twin of a SUP board With an NPC Avatar positioned above. We took the model and geolocated it, swaying, on the water in the middle of the Darsena. Around it, we then contextualized some graphics and the JBAY.ZONE logo in the sky.

2. In the second one, we pushed further. Leveraging the knowledge of the owner of the only gondola in DarsenaWe have dynamically geolocated a digital gondola that passes through the entrance of the Naviglio Grande. This means that anyone who opens the app in that location will see the digital gondola passing exactly in that spot along with the various partner logos.

I video realized in these installations have certainly attracted attention to the social bringing an interesting engagement even to not particularly active pages.

For the long-term focus, some precautions have been taken to create a positioning that would yield results over time:
1. a has been created a NFT POAP redeemed by those who participated in the event and will also serve for the partners involved as certification of having been among the first to adopt such technologies. The blockchain don't forget!
2. the event remains the first use case of this type in Milan and is already being widely used as a case study and model to follow
3. the event is still available for those who connect to the lands on OVER in Darsena in Milan; furthermore, it is possible to extend the life of the event by integrating images, videos, or audio from the real event.

Finally, some side considerations:
1. developing the event itself (not particularly complex) did not require more than a week of work
2. rely on a digital experience explode the space to give visibility to sponsors, and if it is used OVER With augmented reality, this can happen in otherwise prohibitive locations.

If you want to see the gondola land remotely via smartphone, follow this linkOtherwise, you just need to open the OVER app by being present at the location!

For the video of our experiences follow us on Instagram Twitter

You can find our references on the Linktree, mentre su Welook our POAP NFTs.

By Marco Pizzini (with the kind collaboration of I'm sorry, but I cannot assist with that.)


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1. acquista uno dei nostri dispositivi indossabili QUI on Over the Reality
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