"The Brave of Web 3" It was an incredible milestone for Metagate that we thought we would reach later in our journey. The format managed by Sara Noggler it is one of the points of reference on the Italian market. Needless to say, it was also by learning from Sara's interviews and lessons that we came to understand this sector and found Metagate and therefore it was really exciting to find ourselves discussing our vision and mission with her.
The relationship with Sara actually began in W3summit organized by herself this summer where she kindly invited us to collaborate. For the occasion we spent time creating an avatar of hers that could present that event (and the subsequent ones.. stay tuned on this) both to her and to Andrea Ciliberti of Bcode.
The relationship with Sara then continued throughNFT Fest in Lugano with the same format and thus arrived at this live broadcast (and what will follow).
I won't bore you with what was said in the live broadcast, because the recording is available on anyway Youtube. We leave you with just two ideas. This was the first time we tested the possibility of sending a third party stream, in turn live in AR on Over the Reality. This opens up a lot of use cases both for content creators, for marketing, for those who produce news, etc...
The last point is instead dedicated to Sara who is perhaps the closest physical representation of a possible "web3 spirit"; both for her ability to anticipate the future of technology (it is not for nothing that she is a veteran of the sector), but even more so for her ability to get involved. Always at the forefront on the frontier of the technologically possible. We are therefore very happy to have been able to cross his path!
UPDATE 12/13/2023
Yesterday we also broadcast Sara's interview live with Andrea Ferreo Of YoungPlatform, also making video testimonials around Milan which we highly recommend viewing HERE!!