Metagate, Sociological_Game, Wando

Greensincere:sociological_game x wando!

In the last month how Metagate we have published 5 levels of the Greensincere game on the Augmented Reality platform Over the Reality on the occasion of ARwards on gamification. But we didn't just upload games that had a dynamic that made sense Augmented reality; but we wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to create a non-trivial narrative that accompanies the player through the various levels.


To do this we involved Gabriele Mori (in art Sociological_Game) with which we gave a logical sequence to the entire game and created the setting. The final goal, however, was to give voice to Sociological_Game through a customized avatar integrated into the various game levels! But why did we choose to do this collaboration with him? Because we were interested in our character having depth in real life too and Gabriele, as a sociologist with a PhD in gaming and the metaverse, was the perfect person to help us break the prejudices linked to these themes..


We wanted this narrative, sometimes even critical of new technologies, to come from an internal voice in one of these worlds. Gabriele then uploaded his consciousness into our avatar and even lent his voice to it, interpreting the character in a fantastic way! ! Thus was born the character #AR of Sociological Game (Flame spoiler..), who with his sharp personality not only creates the game setting and explains the rules of each level, but does so by provoking very current reflections on the use of technology and the resources available to man!  


Thus was born Greensincere which joins the others our experiences on Over the Reality. At first glance, the name seems like the union of "green" and "sincere", but when you pronounce it, the word "insincere" emerges. Narratively it connects to the conflict that theArtificial intelligence (IA) in wanting to be more insincere in its twisted pseudo-ecological work of destroying humanity. But let's not spoil it any further...

But it didn't end there... because the narrative we were trying to build at a certain point took on a life of its own and a second (but first by birth) meta-influencer literally came into play to help us overcome the fourth level. Naturally we talk about i Wando! This 24 year old meta-influencer lives between Rome and the Metaverse and lent himself to the first historic collaboration of 2 meta-influencers in an AR game!!

At the same time as the release of the various levels, there was also a consolidation of the figures of meta-influencers on the market and this gave us a further incentive to focus on the project started.

There are in fact two types of influencers: some leverage the story of their personal life, while others offer reviews according to their style and attitude. This second type of influencer lends itself very well to being personified also by avatars who can perform the same role with some cost and reputational risk management advantages. (If you haven't seen it yet, we recommend taking a look at Virgin commercial with Jennifer Lopez!)


 greensincere, metagate, sociological_game, wando

The event was commemorated with the minting of 2 NFT POAP: one for the game in general and one specifically for the fourth level where both characters are present! There Metagate collection it expands!

  greensincere, metagate, sociological_gamegreensincere, metagate, sociological_game, wando

Below you will find the links to participate in all levels of Greensincere from your smartphone on the platform Over the Reality in augmented reality.


greensincere, metagate, sociological_game

GreenSincere lv1


greensincere, metagate, sociological_game

GreenSincere lv2


greensincere, metagate, sociological_game

GreenSincere lv3


  greensincere, metagate, sociological_game, wando

GreenSincere lv4
greensincere, metagate, sociological_game
GreenSincere lv5


For the video of our experiences follow us on Instagram And Twitter

You can find our references on Linktree, while on Welook our NFT POAPs.

By Marco Pizzini (with the kind collaboration of OpenAI chat)


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