Cagnola Hub per il quartiere - Metagate

Cagnola hub for the neighborhood

Cagnola Hub is one of the projects in which we have put our heart more than others. We are used to thinking that it is the big companies that should take the first steps, to get involved and set a good example. With Cagnola Hub, we have found a dynamic and proactive reality capable of questioning itself and even contaminating the surrounding realities.

Cagnola Hub is an association aimed at enriching the Cagnola neighborhood in Milan with cultural activities and a coworking space.

From the very beginning, we found an environment where the first thing was the desire to understand what we were proposing. We were therefore immediately invited to participate in a "Let's Talk" where we could share our vision and mission with those interested, explaining how new technologies, from our point of view, should converge into a single integrated user experience that we call the metaverse. The participation of the audience on this occasion was what pleasantly surprised us the most.


In the following months, we agreed to support Cagnola Hub in the 2 scheduled events with augmented reality activities to put into practice what was shared in the first intervention.


Being the first gaming event, we decided to bring not only avatars that could represent the association, but also an AR game on Sopra la Realtà The event was set and integrated in an intelligent and educational way in the square where it took place. Here too, we were surprised by the proactivity of the participants in creating scenes where real people listened to the avatars while they explained. The video in question was also re-shared on social media with excellent organic reach!


The same proactivity was also found in the second event to which we tried to contribute. Building on the first experience and wanting Cagnola Hub to involve other neighborhood associations, we created a system where each association could present itself through its own AR avatar alongside its animated 3D logo always on Over the Reality.


During the event, there were several people who wanted to access the experience to meet their own avatar or that of a friend or acquaintance. A special mention goes to our alpine troops who "tracked" us down with genuine curiosity and interest!


Very interesting was also the opportunity to get to know Foto Raccordi, another association with which a collaboration is being established to geolocate in the experiences we have, the photos of that location in the past!!


With Cagnola Hub, it was not only an interesting project from the perspective of the developments we brought in both gamification and other features (like the navigator), never integrated before; it was primarily an opportunity for cultural growth that made us realize that this time it is not necessarily the digital natives who are the promoters of change, but it can be anyone who has an interested and responsible attitude towards these new tools.

Here are the necessary steps to view it and some suggestions to enhance what we have done.



1. Download the Over the Reality app

2. Follow the following link (or qrcode) only from a smartphone:

a. Click on "open in app"
b. Click on "CONTINUE AS GUEST" (entering a Nickname)


3. Once you enter the experience:

a. Frame the floor until the white dots turn orange
b. Look around until you find the door that says ENTER
c. Search for your association in the list next to the door
d. To make a video/photo you can use the function at the bottom left


NB. You can also search for the experience on the map by going to Via Pacinotti where you will find the hexagon with the word LIVE, click on it and find the event CAGNOLA IN FESTA (and resume from point 3).




This can be done in a context of your choice, at your home, at your office, at the beach, and in the mountains, and your video and/or your logo will thus have visibility in different environments.

In the bottom left, you will find the image of a cube; by clicking it, you can "SHOOT", take a photo or a video (choose between 10-15-30-60 seconds) that you can then save and use on social media.

 cagnola hub in realtà aumentata


For the video of our experiences follow us on Instagram and Twitter

You can find our references on the Linktree, mentre su Welook our POAP NFTs.

By Marco Pizzini (with the kind collaboration of OpenAI chat)






For the video of our experiences follow us on Instagram and Twitter

You can find our references on the Linktree, mentre su Welook our POAP NFTs.

By Marco Pizzini (with the kind collaboration of OpenAI chat)


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