Ready player one
Ready player one
"Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline (2011) is a dystopian novel set in 2045, in a world where most people escape the decaying reality by immersing themselves in a virtual platform called OASIS. The OASIS is a vast and interactive digital universe, where users can explore, socialize, and experience gaming through their avatars. The plot follows Wade Watts, a young player who participates in a treasure hunt within the OASIS, organized by its deceased creator, who has hidden puzzles and clues based on 1980s pop culture. Those who manage to solve them will inherit control of the OASIS and a vast fortune.
Metagate Blog
Medical Innovation: Bluetooth Heart Rate Monito...
Metagate revolutionizes mixed reality applied to medicine with the first Bluetooth heart rate monitor integrated into the Meta Quest 3 headset. Thanks to this innovation, the system monitors the patient's...
Medical Innovation: Bluetooth Heart Rate Monito...
Metagate revolutionizes mixed reality applied to medicine with the first Bluetooth heart rate monitor integrated into the Meta Quest 3 headset. Thanks to this innovation, the system monitors the patient's...
NFT Vault by Metagate in Mixed Reality on Meta ...
Vault: explore your NFTs in Mixed Reality on Meta Quest 3. Available for free on the Meta Store from December 21, Vault connects your NFT wallet to the headset, allowing...
NFT Vault by Metagate in Mixed Reality on Meta ...
Vault: explore your NFTs in Mixed Reality on Meta Quest 3. Available for free on the Meta Store from December 21, Vault connects your NFT wallet to the headset, allowing...
XR2ino: The first app to visualize Arduino data...
XR2ino: the first app to connect Arduino to Meta Quest 3 in mixed reality. Available for free on the Meta Store from December 21, XR2ino allows you to monitor up...
XR2ino: The first app to visualize Arduino data...
XR2ino: the first app to connect Arduino to Meta Quest 3 in mixed reality. Available for free on the Meta Store from December 21, XR2ino allows you to monitor up...
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