ARwards: Metagate Headquarter su OVER the Reality - Metagate

ARwards: Metagate Headquarters on OVER the Reality

Last wandek Metagate uploaded 3 projects for the competition announced by OVER the Reality on the creation of AR experiences in the metaverse.

The 3 projects concerned:

1. the Headquarters of Metagate (with intercom to the real world and receptionist)

2. A fashion show (with PIN code)

3. Babbo Natale (that brings the candies with Alexa)

Today we focus on the Headquarters where we have condensed a whole series of use cases that can be used and combined by a large audience of activities.

Let's start with a nice bullet point list to understand better:

In this Land we have created our headquarters which serves as a HUB for all our activities and as a model for various use cases! For example (following the video) it is possible:

1. Move in the same Metagate office but in the Spatial metaverse. We have introduced this portal to enhance the interoperability of metaverses, particularly that of OVER, which has few rivals in this regard (both web2 and web3). Each platform has its strengths, and the smartest thing to do is to leverage them by switching from one to another. Moreover, this also significantly reduces platform risk, and it is no coincidence that this is the first point we have made;

2. Interact with the avatar at the reception. At the entrance, there is an avatar that will start talking to you, and on the AR screen, buttons will appear for you to ask questions about the Vision, Mission, and Motto of Metagate;

3. Fix a appointment or leave a feedback through a Google form. This is a very simple yet effective use case. No one forces us to take complex paths if we can avoid them. The more we use free and widely available tools, the easier adoption will be!

4. Link to our NFT collection and to the website with the description of all the benefits that our NFTs can bring, such as unlocking access to certain Lands, accessing channels on Discord for developers or dedicated to business.

5. Leave your CV! This link is also very simple yet effective. We are looking for collaborators for our project who already have a basic knowledge of web3. The CVs collected from the metaverse are as if they have already passed a selection!

6. Visit the Metagate forest with which the CO2 of the site is offset! With this, we want to indicate a style, a tension. We are at the beginning, but where we can, we want to strive to do it with the right style.

7. Collect a POAP and upload the photo of the experience on WeLook! This use case opens up a world of possibilities! In a way, it is the essence of Web3 where through NFT certifications on the blockchain you can prove that you have participated in events and have consequent rights (like on our ecommerce) or have access to certified environments without spam, scams, or other annoying stuff.

8. Link to partner sitesNetworking is essential, and being able to provide visibility by interconnecting the various realities we work with adds value to us and to them!

9. Visit our store with both physical wearables (ecommerce) that digital (branded Metagate) with special discounts for those who have POAP or NFT. Physical and digital twins have certainly already been identified by many fashion houses, but moving from theory to practice is another thing. Furthermore, having an ecommerce that already recognizes NFTs allows for the construction of an omnichannel ecosystem, which is increasingly the way to go for customer UX.

10. Mark the Monday appointment on site. We could not refrain from presenting ourselves and experiencing our headquarters firsthand, and we therefore wanted to provide a temporal reference for when it is certainly possible to meet us in the metaverse.

11. Call the founders of Metagate to the telephone booth (through an IOT connection with Alexa and IFTTT, which makes their phone ring). This use case is perhaps the most extreme and innovative as they were the first to connect OVER's AR to Alexa's IOT. With this system, it is possible to be notified when someone enters our virtual environment, and we can in turn go to welcome them!!

That said, we hope to have infected you with a bit of enthusiasm and you are all invited to vote for our Headquarter seen also the exceptional jury and the prizes at stake!



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