W3summit - Sara Noggler - avatar in Realtà Aumentata

W3summit - Sara Noggler - Augmented Reality avatar

 In June we participated in the W3summit in Piazza Gae Aulenti in Milan at the IBM headquarters organized by Sara Noggler. First of all, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for actively involving us!

With Sara, in fact, for the event we began to explore the advantages that an NPC avatar can have that represents us at an augmented reality event.

In this case, we created a similar avatar to which we gave voice through a personal recording of Sara.

But what have we done with it?

First of all, the artefact was useful for creating a teaser video of the event that could be shared, in this case transmitting the spirit of the event linked to professionalism and digital, but in a real location like that of Piazza Gae Aulenti.

Also interesting was the use of the avatar to create interesting videos and photos of the physical person next to their avatar on stage or around the location, creating engaging effects and scenography especially for the social world.

In retrospect we realized how using one's avatar on these occasions certainly directs the event to a certain narrative, but this could also be used in an alternative way. In fact, you could use your avatar in augmented reality even in events in which you cannot physically participate for various reasons. This would however translate on the one hand into a supervision of the event itself by the character, but on the other hand it could also represent a sort of quality certification mark for the event!!

For the video of our experiences follow us on Instagram And Twitter

You can find our references on Linktree, while on Welook our NFT POAPs.

By Marco Pizzini (with the kind collaboration of OpenAI chat)




sara noggler

becode - andrea ciliberti

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