As a mandtaverse to bring the Business world closer to the metaverse, we have chosen OVER la Realtà (OVR) for various reasons, both technical related to the platform and the project, as well as more managerial and project management aspects by the work team.
We have analyzed several Metaverse projects examining them from different aspects and in the end, we chose OVER particularly for 3 characteristics:
1. Vision
2. Trasparenza
3. Usabilità
VISION: very simply, there are no other players in the market that have gone beyond the promise of combining VR and AR. In addition to this, OVER fully embraces the philosophies of Web3, positioning itself as a blank canvas on which other operators can create their own works of art.
TRANSPARENCY: of OVER are public both the team, both the roadmap, both the statisticsAll of this also allows third parties to program in a world that is evolving at an exponential growth rate.
USABILITÀThe usability of OVER is expressed both in the low access costs, and in the dual 3D builder (on browser and on Unity), and because it relies on the decentralized protocol IPFS, and for the adoption of Polygon as the blockchain for its NFTs and tokens (OVR), but above all for the philosophy of the team that places interoperability as a central element of its growth. This is allowing OVER to integrate a multitude of use-cases, at an unimaginable speed for other projects. Finally, the fact that it is Smartphone-First and that it currently does not use headsets is counterintuitive but allows for a much more widespread distribution. The headsets will come anyway.