MAP2Earn - Il vantaggio competitivo di OVER

MAP2Earn - The competitive advantage of OVER

What is the competitive advantage of OVER? From our perspective, it's the MAP2Earn.

What is it?

It’s the ability to scan each of the 1.5 million hexagons (Lands) in OVER using your smartphone (without Lidar) and create 3D reconstructions of the environment using AI (here you can see a demonstration of the scanning process). Additionally, the mapping will be minted and become an NFT on its own.

What is it for?

The best mapping will be chosen by the owner of the individual Land. The owner will then be able to view the mapping in Unity when deciding where to geolocate AR experiences. This will allow items to be geolocated with an accuracy of 25 cm (compared to the 6m minimum error of GPS), not just outdoors but also indoors! (Imagine adding products, labels, posters in a supermarket...)

This precise geolocation is achieved by anchoring the experience to the physical objects already present in reality, which your smartphone (and soon glasses) can recognize in real-time.

Moreover, the scan is so accurate that when used in VR, it could be applied to many use cases! Think about non-invasive restorations, school trips, site inspections, etc.

When will it be available?

The alpha phase has already started, and we are proud to be among the few alpha testers! You can check out how hexagons are mapped at this link. Recently, the ability to view scans on Unity was also released (still only for Alpha). Soon, we will update you on our progress, but if you want a sneak peek of the final result, OVER gave us a glimpse here a few weeks ago! Better than we hoped!!

Map2earn - OVER the Reality - OVR


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All our events are certified via NFT POAP.

By Marco Pizzini 


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