La prima laurea nel Metaverso a Brera - Metagate

The first degree in the metaverse in brera

Friday, November 25, 2022.

Article on Segnonline.

We were truly happy to host the graduation of Sara Calandra in "Communication and Enhancement of Contemporary Artistic Heritage" with the Creative Communication for Cultural Heritage course at Brera. 


We hosted a graduation at our venue, and that alone would be a great reason to celebrate, but there’s much more!

In fact, Sara graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera with a thesis on the use of NFTs in the art field (Crypto Art movement), through a historical-critical lens, shifting the focus from the native Crypto world to the individual poetic expression of each artist, benefiting their own creativity, and the MetaBrera project carried out together with three other colleagues (Annalisa Curtarelli, Maddalena Conti and Martina Dalla Vecchia, all founders of MetaBrera).

This is no small feat, especially at a time like the present, where the market is weeding out many scams and speculative investments. Those who build during these times understand that the underlying fundamentals have only solidified and matured over the past year.

Moreover, Sara honored us by including an interview with Metagate in her thesis and mentioning us in her discussion. But there’s even more! We offered Sara the opportunity to discuss her thesis live in our Metagate HQ in the Spatial metaverse in virtual reality!

24 people attended simultaneously! Many? Few? At this point, it’s not important.. what matters is that it was possible not only to discuss these themes in an innovative thesis but to also allow many newcomers to experience it firsthand!

This historical period is the time to study use cases to prepare for what’s coming tomorrow. We are all Early Adopters, and as such, it’s natural to take risks in anticipation of possible rewards that will come tomorrow (not today!). 

For the more daring, Sara also made it possible to mint a POAP (Commemorative NFT of the event) positioned in the OVER the Reality metaverse (again at our HQ, but the twin in the augmented reality metaverse of OVER)! 

The lucky ones who redeemed the POAP will get some benefits from MetaBrera, as well as upload and view event photos on Welook!!

Congratulations again to the Doctor!!

Link to the press release


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