Crypto Expo Milan 2023 - Metagate

Crypto Expo Milan 2023

Crypto Expo Milan it was an important event for Metagate for several reasons and we have to thank the organizers Christian And Valeria for giving us this opportunity and for putting themselves out there personally (even as an avatar!).

Video summary HERE!

The event took place over 2 days and for the first time we had the opportunity to test first hand the important impact of augmented reality mediated by a large screen (thanks to Holy Club for your support!). In fact, the problem with the experiences we offer at the moment is still the poor UX (we are the first to admit it) and this is mainly due to the fact that we still use the wrong devices to access them. In fact, each of us already has the possibility to live the experiences on our own Over the reality thanks to your smartphone, but everything would be 100 times easier and more intuitive (even to explain) if we already had AR viewers available. If we want, this is also our luck because we can take advantage of this period to position ourselves in the market before the potential of these technologies is clear to everyone. This is what we certainly managed to do at Crypto Expo Milan!

At the event we met many companies, including international ones, and it was particularly interesting to see how many in the sector were surprised by the level of experiences that it is already possible to develop on Over the Reality today. We presented the use cases already developed and our derisking approach is based on the interoperability of systems, avoiding forcing the technology as much as possible. This approach is allowing us to develop at a speed that would otherwise be impossible by leveraging two aspects: the specialization of our skills (internal factor) and the speed of growth of technology (external factor).

Thanks to this approach at Crypto Expo Milan we were able to send some interventions live in AR on Over the reality!! I believe that few people understand the importance of this step on an open platform like Over the Reality. To better understand we can say that it was the second time this was done in the world in a public event! (Second only to our very first test at JustAR at the club Lynk & Co of Milan from the week before!)

AR Live Streaming

Among the speeches aired, those certainly stood out HGVIS (digital stylist with whom we collaborate assiduously), Paulo Renftle (meticulous artist and photographer with a very strong focus on the future), Giorgio Gramegna (the first crypto-chef who with his double digital-culinary preparation is conquering web3 events). Furthermore, friends of were also present at the event Comet (Cultural Association for the diffusion of web3) together with an exhibition of artists such as Lukajan, Emanuele Dascanio, Roberto Giavarini And Elsewhere__D!!

A final consideration on the particularly international audience with less Italian presence compared to the previous edition. Definitely a more business style (much appreciated) and less tied to the hype of the moment.

The feeling is that it may have been an important moment in which those present had the opportunity to look each other in the face, count each other and recognize each other in view of the next bull-run which will bring an inevitable background noise in which it will be difficult to breathe such conviction on web3 and not on its hype.

Ours is inevitable Commemorative NFT POAP! (you got it right, you might need it..).)

Paulo Renfte e Beatrice Vigoni

For the video of our experiences follow us on Instagram And Twitter

You can find our references on Linktree, while on Welook our NFT POAPs.

By Marco Pizzini (with the kind collaboration of OpenAI chat)


 If you want to support us:

1. buy one of our wearables HERE on Over the Reality
2. become our sponsor filling the FORM or Contact us



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