Map2Learn su Roblox - Metagate

Map2Learn su Roblox

Metagate developed a simple game on Roblox to raise awareness of Map2earn and Augmented Reality.

VIDEO trailer qui!! 

We believe it is important to raise cross-platform awareness, especially on more popular metaverses and by a young audience.

HERE the link to the game:

 Soon also on Fortnite with a similar concept!

 PS. Also on Meta Quest 3 !

Per il video delle nostre esperienze seguici su Instagram Twitter

I nostri riferimenti li trovi sul Linktree, mentre su Welook i nostri NFT POAP.

By Marco Pizzini (con la gentile collaborazione di OpenAI chat)


 If you want to support us:

1. buy one of our wearables HERE on Over the Reality
2. become our sponsor filling the FORM or Contacts us
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